Then, just up the street at the Gaelic American Club, Elizabeth Power was a "star" competing to raise money for the Mercy Center in GAC's "Dancing With The Stars". Competitors in the dance event worked with instructors from the Fred Astaire Studio in Southport for months, preparing to perform before the audience and the judges.They were judged by a panel of professionals and then the audience got to vote. Every contestant won money for his/her chosen charity. First prize winner received $500.
In addition to Elizabeth's Tango performance (click here to see that video ) , the audience was also treated to Fox Trot, Cha Cha, Rumba, Swing and Samba. Then there was a Cha Cha lesson for everyone and a number of student/teacher performances. The evening was capped off by dessert and coffee. The hall was packed to capacity, and a good time was had by all.
Kudos to Elizabeth and all of the brave contestants. There could be only one first place winner, but all of the participants deserved to win, and the enthusiastic audience amply showed their appreciation. (There are some captions. Click on individual photos to see them.)
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17.06 | 18:00
Hi, Yes I am still working in CT but am cutting back. Feel free to contact ...
17.06 | 14:40
Are you currently working in CT. If so I would like to use your education ...
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Our battles were fierce but always cordial and a handshake from...
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Yes, Colleen, I remember him as a true gentleman who led with respect...